Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The lift!

Hmm..same old lift.but hey! that girl looks new.maybe she joined recently.wonder what floor she works on. I wonder what it is about these lifts.These uncomfortable silences.Put these same people in an aircraft & they will surely get chatty in a couple of minutes.What would be the appropriate things to say in a lift? which floor? maybe not.Would the girl think I am being prude if i complimented on her dress? she does know how to carry herself. Hmm, how come i didn't notice her before today? maybe things will look up in the office now. All the other women are on the wrong side of 30 & grumpy most of the time. Come to think of it I haven't had a date in a long long time. Maybe this is a sign. Lets see, how should i start the conversation? I think I'll compliment her on her dress first. this will have to be subtle of course. I don't want her to think I am leching.She will of course say thank you, then maybe its time for the next move, "The lift journey seems so much more nicer with you around'.Nah. that is kind of lame & maybe a bit corny too. I don't want her to think I am coming on too strongly now. But it does seem nicer with her around. That whiff of perfume that wafted in with her is soo magnetic.Even at the end of the day.Maybe i should just smile & go away after she thanks me. Keep it slow. Tomorrow I can get around here the same time.Maybe i could even wait in the lobby for her. But then, would she think i am stalking? Hopefully not. I wonder how she looks. The dress & that reflection of half her face look promising. how old could she be? looking at those legs not more than 30 i think. That's quite perfect for me. Ah! there we are.The ground floor at last. There she goes. Here's my chance. Now just a decent enough smile. We don't want to scare her. man! she looks mindblowing. Turn turn, look at me. uh oh! what's that? a mangalsutra around her neck!