Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Da Vinci Could?

Damn!This guy is reading way too fast for me. I should just not have peeked into his book. BUt then how else would i start a converstaion. He hardly seems the chatty type. & i can't be blamed for not trying.They just don't make guys like they used to. I remember all the ones in college. Morons. never knew how to treat a girl. Now this guy seems kind of sweet. Definitely not geeky. Definitely my type. Well at least he has chosen the same book that i am reading. Now how freaky is that. Imagine sitting next to a good looking guy & reading the same book as he is, 35,000 above the ground. Damn! he seem so engrossed in that book. maybe i should wait for him to finish that book, before i send a conversation starter his way. What better way to
start a conversation than with this book. If only i can keep up with him & finish it just as he does. I can then close my book with a flourish & say something smart about the book. Shoot. He's tunred another page. Hmm.Maybe this page is not that important & I can skip it.So here we are, 156 pages into the book & he still hasn't taken his eyes off that book & we have had two lines of conversation. "Hi, I think you're in my seat.""Sorry. I like the aisle because of the legroom. please go ahead & have your seat" Maybe i should have given him the aisle seat. Maybe that's why he doesn't want to talk to me. Damn! I can be so daft at times. He is kind of tall & I am sure he could have made use of the legroom more than me. I might have enjoyed the window seat as well. Hmm..but then, this is such a long flight & I will need to use the loo, so maybe the aisle
seat IS a better idea. Well, it is & if he wants this seat he can ask me. maybe he is too shy to ask me. Or maybe he finds me too intimidating. How can that be? I have been polite with the stewardess & everybody else, haven't I? Maybe i can talk to him when he has to go to the loo. Uh oh, there go a few more pages. I better start concentrating or I won't really have much to discuss when he finishes the book. ok, so they were in Paris, so how did they end up in England
now? Why do they keep talking about Christ every now & then? oh well, I better read on. I'l probably get it in the next few pages. Maybe they have time travel. Time travel huh? that would be neat. I am sure that would wipe away so many hours of such flights going halfway around the earth! There is a downside too. I wouldn't have got to meet this guy...Ah here we are..just 10 pages to go..but for christ's sake, i don't know why these people are in this old church. What does Magdalene have to do with these kids? Oh well, maybe these few pages will tell me.Ah! there he's finished the book. Now is my chance to close the book with a flourish. Not too soon & not too late. Here goes.
"So, neat book huh? i saw you were reading the same book. How freaky is that?"
"Kind of cool uh?. I noticed that. So, which part did you like best?"
"Um..everything actually. really wonderful way of writing. Very close to reality!"
"Really, so you believe that? kind of hard to believe i would think. i think i liked the movie better though."
"You saw the movie? trying to see if you missed something?"
"HaHa. Sort of. Anyway i saw you reading & did not want to disturb you. You looked like you were concentrating really hard!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It still is the most read "travel" book :D